50 Year Reflection

I’m going to be 50 years old in 10 short days. When they say time flies when you’re having fun, they aren’t joking! My life on this planet hasn’t been all fun and games, but I am committed to having fun as often as possible.

2022 was a year…there were many highs and many lessons learned. What kept me going was my mindset—I always trust that things will work out. I did a lot of spiritual introspection and *finally* tackled something that has long been on my to-do list: I began studying A Course In Miracles.

With 2023 and 50 in front of me, I have decided that my mantra this year is self’ish. Not selfish in the dictionary sense of lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure. But rather self’ish in my made-up sense of putting my oxygen mask on first, not pouring out of an empty cup, not losing myself in service and accommodation to others.

I’ve put some goals out there that scare me a little and excite me a lot. You are invited to go on this journey with me on this blog. My goal is to be accountable, live unapologetically out loud, and maybe inspire other folks to do the same.

This is a preview of what I’ll be doing in 2023:

• Finishing 50 books
• Hike the Grand Canyon
• Complete five 5k’s
• Publish another journal
• Participate in a silent retreat
• Reduce my participation in the drinking culture—there are other fun things to do!
• Return to my regular practice of yoga
• Try 50 new things (foods, activities, etc.)

I can’t wait to share the growth and insight that I know is ahead, and I’d love to hear what you are doing!

Love and light,



Closed for Spiritual Maintenance