Book Update!
One of my goals for 2023 is to finish 50 books. I love reading and since I turned 50 in January, it made sense. Granted, I didn’t do the math at the time to realize that meant a little over four books per month, but I am nonetheless committed.
Learning is one of my favorite things in life, and my book quest is feeding that part of my soul. I’m generally making my way through several books at once, so I’m just ramping the time I dedicate to it. I intentionally set a goal to finish 50 books, so I can include audio books without feeling like I’m skirting my own system. So far, it is going well and I’m on track to hit my goal. Check out the titles I’ve finished so far:
3. The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
4. All Boys Aren’t Blue: A Memoir-Manifesto
5. The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
7. Think Again
8. Chatter
Presently, I’m wrapping up Sacred Contracts on audio, and reading How to Meet Yourself and The Seven-Point Mind Training: A Tibetan Method for Cultivating Mind and Heart. I have The 5 Apology Languages teed up next, but would love to hear your recommendations for what else should be on my list! What are you reading that is setting your soul on fire?
Love and light,