Morning Mindfulness
I’m very protective of my morning routine. When I don’t follow it, I find myself on edge, reactive and not at the top of my game. I can’t pinpoint exactly when I began an intentional routine, but I know it was an evolution of trial and error.
My perfect weekday morning begins at 5 AM—I know it’s not for the faint of heart, but it is the only time I can be completely dedicated to myself. The ideal morning includes slipping out of my room undetected by our pack of dogs, heading down to our home gym for 60-90 minutes of yoga in my Hot Yoga Dome. Yoga is part mindfulness, part movement and part healing to me. My time on the mat is sacred. When I’m done with yoga, I stay in the dome for at least five minutes to meditate. I then head back upstairs *hopefully* undetected to continue my routine.
The next part is non-negotiable. Even if I don’t get out of bed to move, I make time to mindfully begin my day. Using minimal light or candlelight, I start my shower and make sure to drop an aromatherapy steaming tablet on the shower floor. Then I turn on my 528 HZ healing frequency to aid my relaxation and presence. Once I’m done showering, I turn off the frequency and turn on an audio book (I’m currently finishing The Places that Scare You) and listen to that while I’m putting on my makeup, doing my hair and getting dressed. By the time I walk out of my room I feel full of gratitude and inner peace.
Once I’m out of my bedroom door I turn my attention to the activities of the day—packing my lunch, reviewing my calendar, checking my emails, taking my daughter to school and any other tasks that require my attention. These things don’t seem overwhelming because I’ve started my day off prioritizing me.
My routine may not work for you, but I encourage you to find what you can do to honor yourself each morning and start your day off with clarity and intention.
Love and light,