Take Time to Reflect

As you may have realized, I’m in the midst of my spiritual journey. According to my research, it’s typical at this age to spend time reflecting on life and determining what’s important for your future. I believe it is a required journey that everyone will find themselves on, but the timing is unique for each of us. 

My journey includes a regular mindfulness practice, which gives me the opportunity to sit alone with myself to witness and question my inner thoughts without judgement. This practice is simple, but it’s not easy. In our world of distraction, it takes extraordinary discipline to just be.

I am slowly becoming comfortable with my discomfort. Instead of being “too busy” to take five minutes to meditate, ending a session early or letting my ego take control, I’m naming the feelings that come up and noticing where I feel them in my body. The practice of just sitting with it and allowing feeling to go through my body has been transformational. In our “always on society”, I am finding personal progress forward by waiting.

My practice has become so important to the ways I am able to navigate life, that I have decided to launch an eight-week mindfulness program. I am working out the details so I can bring something thoughtful and impactful to the world. Whether you end of participating in it, or going on your mindfulness journey alone, I am convinced that dedicating time to inquire within is the key to healing, self-discovery, and freedom.

Love and light,



(So Many) Lessons in Mindfulness


Morning Mindfulness